


The History of Infant Massage

Baby and infant massage is a practice that can be traced back for 3,000 years. It is an ancient art of Mother and baby connecting with each other through massage. In ancient India, ayurvedic medicine taught the use of infant massage. It was also has been encouraged since the Qing dynasty of China in the 1600’s. At present it is part of traditional childcare in South Asia and elsewhere where daily massage by mothers is seen as “instilling fearlessness, hardening bone structure, enhancing movement and limb coordination, and increasing weight”. Other areas where infant massage is regularly used are African countries and areas in the former Soviet Union. In Western culture, infant massage has been increasingly used in neonatal intensive care units for pre-term infants who are in stressful environments and have limited tactile stimulation.


(Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)


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