
Our Program




About Matti






l 國際嬰幼兒按摩協會(IAIM)合格講師

l 美國寶寶手語時間(Baby Signing Time)合格講師


Matti, baby’s name and the meaning of Matti is: Gift of God. Matti Baby & Parent Academy is run by Monica Lee, mother of a baby boy and a baby girl. She trained at International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) and teaches group and private baby massage classes. Monica says, “Baby massage is not a cure. It is a ‘falling in love process’. It is a process known as bonding and attachment.” Monica is also a certified Baby Signing Time (BST) instructor who provides BST classes for families who have babies. Matti Baby & Parent Academy is professional in providing Parent-child Non-verbal Communication System (P.C.N.V.C.S.) programs for 0 – 24M babies and their families. Come and join Monica’s Matti classes and workshops!

About IAIM


國際嬰幼兒按摩協會(IAIM, International Association of Infant Massage),是一個國際性非營利組織,也是此類組織中最早且最大的,在50個以上的國家設有分會,總會設於瑞典的斯德哥爾摩市。現在,許多醫院也訓練護理人員使用按摩和擁抱技巧來護理早產兒和病童,也提供父母指導以努力促進親子依附感(bonding)和舒緩寶寶的不適。此外,這項憑直覺發展出來,又在數千年人類經驗”實驗室”裏精練的簡易傳統之好處,已經日復一日的為現代科學研究所發揚肯定。

IAIM是由來自瑞典的Vimala McClure 女士所創立,她自1976年投入這份工作。Vimala McClure女士說:「我的孩子現在已經長大了,但是我們嬰兒時期按摩經驗的影響卻未消失,每日的按摩提供了生理上、情感上與精神上的祥和與親密的基礎,而這種祥和與親密一輩子都隨著我們一起。」

協會宗旨:國際嬰幼兒按摩協會(International Association of Infant Massage, IAIM)之任務在於透過訓練、教育及研究,促進親子間愛的觸摸與溝通,使得全世界的父母、照護者及孩子都能被愛、被尊重。


International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) is the largest and most experienced infant massage organization in the world with a presence in more than 50 countries. Founder Vimala McClure’s work, dating back to the 1970s, is supported by current scientific and medical evidence.

IAIM’s work is much more than teaching massage strokes. It includes honoring connections between human beings from the very beginning of life and the unique communication a mother or father has with their baby.

In recent years, there has been an increase in medical and psychological research on IAIM’s capacity to feel connected to each other. The bond babies have with their parents creates confidence, compassion, trust, enthusiasm, a sense of belonging and even mental health for the rest the baby’s life.

The benefits of infant massage truly make a difference in the lives of babies, families and even communities.

IAIM MISSION: The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education and research so that parents, caregivers and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community.
